March Member Meeting Recap & Garden Giveaways

Good Weed? Bad Weed?

Susan Norris-Davis shared the inside scoop on how to identify and work with those volunteer plants that pop up in our gardens during the March NPI meeting at the Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center. Susan has spent years creating the Good Weed/Bad Weed database that’s available on the NPI website and shared tips on how to use it. She also introduced us to plants from the database, including this butterweed aka yellowtop aka Packera glabella.  It’s a good one: pretty, a pollinator magnet, AND in the wild provides food for crawfish as it decays.


Garden Giveaways

Over 2500 native plants found new homes in the last few weeks thanks to NPI. There were plant giveaways at Okra Abbey Community Garden in Pigeontown (first photo above), the annual Climate Culture Salon (second photo), New Orleans Town Gardeners meeting, Faubourg Community Garden, Jefferson Neighborhood meeting, City Park Big Lake Native Plant Trail (third photo), and the March NPI meeting. NPI also donated plants to gardens at the City Park Big Lake Native Plant Trail, Rosa B. Keller Library and Community Center, the Woodland Conservancy, and a New Orleans East school via the Urban Conservancy. Whew and wow—good work, team!