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NPI launches Image Contest – deadline Sept. 22nd

NPI is holding an image contest themed Habitat Harmony:  Wildlife and Native Plants.  Your image may be a photograph, painting  or other "image" expressing this theme.  Our in-house committee will select 5 submissions and have them on display for the public to vote at our booth at the Fall Garden Festival in October.  The top 3 winners will receive gift cards to purchase native plants from Chickadee Natives.  The Submission Form for your images is HERE.  Email communications@npi-org with any questions.

To assist you in taking some fabulous photos, at our last meeting member Katie Carter gave us some Tips for capturing impactful photographs.  Below is a summary of the techniques and design tips she discussed and some photos that demonstrated those aspects. We can't wait to see what y'all come up with!

NPI's Photography Tips by Katie Carter